SBAIC Member Town Hall Event

Thursday, April 29, 2021 (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (EDT)


Dear SBAIC Members,

SBAIC is proud to officially announce that the organization will be holding a Member Town Hall Event on April 29th, 2021 from 2-4pm EST.  This event was created as a way for the SBAIC Board leadership to share our strategic priorities, provide member networking opportunities to connect with each other and potential resource vendors, and share ways to engage members more in our upcoming activities.

The 2-hour event will be split into two distinct sections. The first hour will be for the SBAIC board to share SBAIC’s 2021 strategic plans with a report from each committee. During each Committee’s presentation, members will have the opportunity to put questions in the chat for one of SBAIC’s Co-Chairs to answer following the event. Membership Services Coordinator Tim Azizkhan will then send out the answers to all questions a few days after the event. Should we have time, Co-Chairs will also be given the option to answer questions live.

The second hour will be for networking, with participants randomly assigned to different breakout rooms for four 15-minute periods as a way to share information on their firm and get to know other members. We also anticipate inviting up to four custom package sponsors to participate in this hour, as a way to introduce members to their relevant services that can help grow their businesses. Breakout sessions will be managed so as to ensure no more than one custom sponsor be involved per breakout group.

While in-person meetings are difficult to replicate over a virtual format, SBAIC hopes to reintroduce aspects of the previous in-person membership events that some members have expressed a longing for again in the last few months. As an organization, SBAIC is extremely appreciative of the SBAIC community’s patience and adaptability over the past year, and like many is greatly looking forward to a time in which our membership reunites under one (physical) roof once again! Each of our members are special to us, and the SBAIC board is proud to have and to continue serving our small but might community. Thank you for being valued members of SBAIC!

If you have any questions about the event, please reach out to Tim Azizkhan at (


The SBAIC Board

Virtual - Zoom
Event Contact
Electra Reihel
Thursday, April 29, 2021 (2:00 PM - 4:00 PM) (EDT)
Registered Guests
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