Panagora Group
Panagora Group
Panagora is a woman-owned small business dedicated to high-impact international health and development consulting. Our goal is to provide innovative solutions with a special focus on private sector approaches and public-private partnerships, capacity-building to promote country ownership and independence, knowledge sharing and collaborative learning, NGO/community engagement, and integrated/multi-sectoral approaches. We embrace ICT (information and communication technology) to accelerate service delivery and heighten impact. Panagora offers a range of health and development services and experts, across family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH) and mother child health (MCH), neonatal health, nutrition, water, sanitation and hygiene, HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria; and in cross-cutting areas such as health systems strengthening, community mobilization, capacity-building, private sector health including public-private partnerships, and gender/youth mainstreaming. This can be provided as short-term or long-term technical assistance in-country or in Washington, DC through institutional support mechanisms. Whether as part of long-term projects or short-term assignments, Panagora provides premier support in strategic planning; assessment, design and evaluation; integration of knowledge sharing, innovative learning and social media approaches; capacity-building and organizational development; market and best practices studies; training and facilitation; new business development; and project implementation and close-out support, e.g., work planning, communication, M&E, close-out planning/events, turnaround/recovery.
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Key Services : Economic Development, Knowledge Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Institutional Capacity Development, Public-Private Partnerships
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