Overseas Strategic Consulting, Ltd.
Overseas Strategic Consulting, Ltd.
OSC is at the core of successful initiatives in the economic, health, governance, and environment sectors around the world. OSC delivers effective, sustainable research, evaluation and strategic/behavior change communications solutions in the world's most challenging environments, including: Afghanistan, Iraq, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Serbia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, Nigeria, Kosovo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Jordan, and Egypt.Applying the locally appropriate mix of interpersonal, mass-market, and technology-driven solutions, OSC's research and communications teams cultivate and sustain the dialogue that supports meaningful change for a diverse array of clients and beneficiaries in the public, private, and NGO spaces. OSC understands that even the greatest research, reform, or policy development achievements are meaningless without real behavioral change, so all OSC initiatives are designed to comprehensively engage the full range of local, national, and international stakeholders from the outset.Established in 1992, OSC is a certified small business headquartered in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. OSC maintains project offices world-wide.
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Key Services : Behavioral Communications, Communications, Monitoring and Evaluation, Research, Information Technology
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