MarketShare Associates
MarketShare Associates
MarketShare Associates (MSA) is a global firm of creative facilitators, strategists, economists and experienced research and data analysts whose work offers decision makers access to a new generation of market and social insights. Our systems-thinking approach to economic development is inherently focused on scale and sustainability. MSA specializes in innovative private sector development programming with a focus on MSD and the economic empowerment of women and youth. Since 2009 MSA has conducted over 170 assignments for 70 clients across 60 countries. Our expertise lies at the nexus of integrating a systems approach to economic development with empowerment principles.
Additional Info
Primary US Federal Government Clients : USAID
Key Services : Agribusiness, Agriculture Development, Analytical Services, Capacity Development, Creating a Business Enabling Environment, Data Analytics, Enterprise and Value-Chain Competitiveness, Finance, Value Chain Development, Training, Technical Assistance, Research, Food Security Research, Food and Agriculture, Data Visualization, Economic Growth, Gender Analytics, Gender Integration, Economic Development, Governance, Knowledge Management, Management Consulting, Monitoring and Evaluation
Membership Type